Saturday, January 5, 2008

Another teeny little posty

Back in the classroom... God, the silence is ringing. They're all working/half asleep/absent. I am sick as a dog- caught a sinus infection on the plane. My assistant is sick too, so they're all nailed to chairs with worksheets for the next two hours until we can turn them loose in the Library.

The flight was long, long long. Complete with a surprise layover in Heathrow where Ka__ and I had to de-plane and re-plane. Heathrow officially being my Least Favorite Airport of All Time- it hasn't picked up since I was last through, going to Poland. They're still working on the same construction projects. When I went through to Poland, I got so lost I ended up outside the airport on the street and had to have my passport stamped to get back in. All I was doing was changing flights...

We narrowly escape the same fate, standing in Immigration and wondering out loud which direction to go in. The ladies in immigration were very nice and steered us back where we came from.

I ended up with another Ciocia sitting next to me, and her extraordinarily sick (but nonetheless, quite attractive) grandson in the last seat. Going to Madras, this time she was. Lost as a flake of snow in the desert, her grandson puking everywhere (this is how cute he was, pukage and all).

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