The Little Hungarian Queen Who Could (And Did), don't let anyone tell you differently- this is who determined that I would go to Poland. Not M., not the beer, not just the sake of learning a new language. Shafted by the Duchy, she was generous and kind to the poor. In turn, they swamped the castle with ducks and geese when she was dying, praying for her outside. Her husband was kind of a d- well, not a nice person.
You know, you can sell out your religion and force convert your people to Christianity to score a classy Hungario/Polish King who speaks five languages, but it still makes you a guy who sold out his religion and force converted his people to Christianity to marry a, well you get it. I think he picked up on it- apparently Wladislaw Jagiello was kind of insecure and jealous.
There are all sorts of legends about her, from "Who will give the peasants back their tears?" to sending a discreet servant to bathe with her betrothed to check that "everything" was as it should be (he was a pagan at the time). Definitely worth a read- I always like to think she really did take an axe to the door. Attagirl.
We happen to share a birthday, which touches me quite deeply. There are very few times during my day when I don't think about her (or invoke her divine assistance).
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